Free-of-cost, accessible healthcare

Enriching lives through quality healthcare

Established in May 1970, the Sri Sathya Sai Health and Education Trust is a Public Charitable Trust, under Section 12 A of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Since inception, it has founded and run renowned healthcare institutions In India, Fiji, Sri Lanka, and Nigeria. providing totally free-of-cost medical services to all, irrespective of caste, religion, nationality or financial status.

  • Healthcare facilities - rural healthcare clinics, specialized diagnostic facilities, rural mother and child hospitals, and multispecialty rural hospitals for all ages and all conditions.
  • High-quality medi-care services completely free-of-cost"
  • Free medical education and training to rural-centric medical doctors, nurses, paramedics, allied health sciences professionals
  • Nutrition support to pregnant women and lactating mothers
Surgeries & Interventions
Specialty Hospitals in India
Overseas Hospitals & Medical Centers


  1. 1.7 million children born with congenital defects in India each year
  2. Extremely high Infant Mortality Rate: 34 deaths per 1000 live-births
  3. 47% of children malnourished, 43% underweight, 20% wasted
  4. 240,000+ babies born with congenital heart defects (CHD)
    • Only 7-10% receive timely, essential medical/surgical care
    • Untreated, ~25% die before 1 year, >85% die before 5 years of age
    • CHD is a leading cause of child mortality in all developing countries
  5. Lack diagnostic facilities or hospital facilities for medical/surgical care
  6. Extremely high cost of CHD surgery or Cath interventions for CHD
    • Usual costs Rs. 300,000 to Rs. 1,800,000 – based on type of CHD
  7. Inaccessible quality healthcare in rural areas
    • Accentuated for mothers & children, uneducated, or lower castes
  8. Severe shortage of skilled doctors, nursing staff, paramedical staff
  9. Exorbitant costs of medical education & postgraduate training
  10. Extremely urban-centric medical education system


  1. Healthcare facilities - rural healthcare clinics for primary care and preventive care; specialized diagnostic facilities for secondary care and post-operative follow-up; rural mother and child hospitals for pregnant mothers and young children; and multispecialty rural hospitals for all ages and all conditions.
  2. High-quality medi-care services completely free-of-cost
  3. Eliminate financial barriers by providing free education and training to rural-centric medical doctors, nurses, paramedics, allied health sciences professionals
  4. Create inspired professionals committed to serve in rural areas
  5. Provide nutrition to pregnant mothers to reduce CHD and low birth weight babies
  6. Child nutrition to eliminate deficiencies, build resilience/immunity, and improve growth
  7. Advanced research and innovation to address genetic/other causes of CHD


  1. Five Tertiary-Care Sanjeevani hospitals for specialized CHD surgery in India, similar hospitals in Fiji, Sri Lanka, & Nigeria. Impact only in India 🡪
    • 250,491 Outreach Screenings
    • 261,204 Outpatient Consultations
    • 30,663 CHD Surgeries or Cath Interventions
  2. Five Mother & Child Sanjeevani hospitals in India
    • 90,676+ Pregnant Mothers Served
    • 5,267+ Deliveries Performed
    • 149,782+ Outreach Screenings for pregnant mothers
  3. Similar ongoing Mother & Child programs in Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Fiji Islands, Srilanka, and Singapore
  4. Aarogya Vahini mobile hospital and medical camps
    • 121,000 Consultations
    • 1,469 Medical Camps
    • 680 Surgeries
Make healthcare accessible and available to all

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Your support will help people from rural and socio-economically challenging backgrounds to receive necessary and adequate medical care without any burden of money. It will facilitate in ensuring quality healthcare for all.


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